STEM WEEK - Diverse People

 Today, Lower Prep pupils have been thinking carefully about how everybody around the world is different.

We started the day by watching Mrs William's assembly about Autism and were able to identify some things that some people who are autistic do and feel.

Next, we changed into our PE kit and went outside to play some games: Danish Rounders and Stuck in the Mud.  We tried out the games as we would usually play them, then we thought about how these games might be for children with visual, hearing or other physical disabilities.

Some children wore glasses that limited their vision.

Sidney thought that he could see really well at first, but then found that when he dropped the ball, he couldn't really see where it had gone.

Some children used some tissue to block their ears and simulate a hearing impairment.

Lots of children found that they could not always hear the teacher instructions and so they were unable to win the game. Especially if the teacher was facing in a different direction.

Once we were back in the classroom, we talked about how we could adapt some games and sports to be more inclusive.  

Great work Lower Prep!


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